Construction has begun. We Need Your Support.

There is growing recognition in our community that there is an urgent need for hospice residence care. Generous donors expressed their support that every person deserves a dignified, compassionate and caring end-of-life experience. 

Thanks to extraordinary philanthropic leadership, Neshama Hospice has begun construction on Cadillac Avenue (Bathurst St and Wilson Ave).

Donating to Neshama is a meaningful opportunity to build one more Jewish-founded care organization that defines our community’s pride in serving all Torontonians. 

Philanthropic investment fuels an existing commitment by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care who have committed $105,000 per bed annually for operations and $2.5 million towards capital construction costs. 

Annual philanthropic contribution of $500,000 would provide additional support for the continuity of operations.

Join our philanthropic community! Here are some of the incredible donors who are making Neshama Hospice a reality!


Ways to give

Make an online donation with your credit card

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Make a gift by donating your stocks or securities

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Contribute with a personal or corporate cheque

Neshama Hospice
c/o 2041 Avenue Road
Toronto, ON M5M 4A5

Please include your email address for a tax receipt.

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E-card donation

Want to talk more about the impact of your gift?

For more information and all other donation payment options, please contact 647-289-7200.